If I closed my eyes, would I love you more
All the trepidation gone from before
If I shut out the world, would I let you in,
Let you be my next of kin
If I tried to be honest, no, trying would be false,
If I was open, let you feel my pulse
Would my heart race for you
Like it has raced before?
Could you really be one I long for?
If I let myself go, forgot who I am,
Would I be able to love any woman or man?
If I had to choose though, would it be you who I chose,
Would you be my angel, would you kiss my nose.
Would you shelter me and comfort me, build me and care.
Would I share my deep thoughts, would I want you there.
If I closed my eyes would you always be mine,
Would you dig deep in my rich mine?
Would you find without question the definitive me,
Would you give yourself up to share all with me
If we were together would we get along
Would our relationship last all life long
And if I did ever open my eye would I smile to see you between me and the sky